Sunday, September 15, 2013

[DIY] White wash necklace holder

Super quick and easy DIY White wash necklace holder.

This inspiration came from one of my shopping trips around town, looking all those pretty necklaces.. They just look so attractive on the shelves but when you buy them and bring it home... it looks like what's on the left. A PILE OF TANGLED MESS. 

And since my room is all white. Hence this white wash version of this necklace holder, feel free to try out other colours depending on what style your room is.

Things you will need:
  • White paint
  • Brush 
  • Palette
  • Cork board (I got mine from Art Friend but I saw them at IKEA too)
  • Lastly your pile of necklaces 

First to get the white wash effect, add LOADS of water.

Start painting the borders first, layer it till you are happy with the result.

Followed by the cork part, I recommend to try a light layer first, let it dry, if its still not white enough, apply another layer.

And after you are done! Let it dry and you can start decorating it!

It's done! If you are really lazy, you can just drop the painting part and start decorating your necklace on the cork board.

Do comment if you want to see any other types of tutorial!

1 comment:

  1. DIY tutorial: decorating your room/desk with photographs :) x
